COVID-19 Updates

Keeping our customers and staff safe.


As a company which has been created with a focus on treating our customers fairly and with respect, we have spent many months analysing how we can best ensure that we can recover for our clients the funds essential to provide critical front-line services whilst continuing to support customers needing extra care.

As we prepare to recommence field based collection activities, we have prepared a detailed risk assessment to ensure that all engagements with customers are completed safely. Detailed customer-specific risk assessments are completed before every visit, in line with our overall COVID-19 Risk Assessment.


As the current Coronavirus situation affects us all, CDER Group have put a number of measures in place to support the ongoing protection of our staff and customers, whilst maintaining our ability to recover the funds needed by our Local Authority clients for frontline services.

We understand the difficulties some customers may be facing at this time. If your circumstances have changed, or your income is affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to working less, no longer working, self-isolating, or caring for someone who is sick, please let us know. We may be able to set up a more flexible payment plan if you contact us now.

Our Contact Centre and Welfare teams are still here to help. You can also continue to manage your account, set up an arrangement or make a payment 24/7 via our online Customer Portal, or our automated telephone service on 0330 460 5295.

The Money Advice Service recently published new online resources for people affected financially by the outbreak, which you may also find useful:


Re-commencement of enforcement visits

We know that the COVID-19 situation has and will affect people in different ways, especially those who owe money to creditors.

Enforcement visits were stopped during the coronavirus emergency period to help protect you and the people you come into contact with, as well as our staff and enforcement agents. The enforcement visit restriction period will end on 23rd August 2020 and we will be making Enforcement Agent visits again after this date.

Enforcement agents only visit if you do not pay or contact us to discuss your circumstances. Our agents will be equipped with appropriate workwear and hygiene supplies to protect and reassure staff and members of the public, in accordance with Government and Public Health England/Wales advice. Agents will not enter your home to take control of goods.

We would prefer not to visit, and we understand you might prefer this too. If you contact us, we can talk about the options available to you, and how to prevent an enforcement agent from visiting in future. Our highly trained team have lots of experience in helping with a range of circumstances, from individual vulnerabilities to financial difficulties.

Options available to you include:

  • Make a payment, set up a payment arrangement or manage your account online via our Customer Portal at
  • Speak to one of our trained debt advisors or dedicated welfare team via our Contact Centre on 0330 460 5295 where they will listen to your specific circumstances and work with you to find the most suitable option available
  • If you do not believe you owe the debt amount, for example, the person named on the Notice of Enforcement is not resident at your address or, for parking and traffic penalty debts, you do not own the vehicle, then please do not ignore the notice and still contact us with full details via

Our overriding aim, at all times, is to work with all of our customers in a sensitive, reasonable and fair way and during these challenging times we know just how difficult it may be for you to manage your finances. We would again ask that you contact us as soon as possible so we can prevent any further costs and action and would also refer you to the many independent support groups available for debt advice and guidance (see our Independent Advice page). If you do not contact us, for the moment we will assume your circumstances have not been affected and this may mean an enforcement agent is required to visit in future. The enforcement agent will have been fully trained in how to visit you safely and appropriately.